Friday, October 12, 2012


Whole bunch of promises. Unfulfilled.

Too many people making promises and not keeping it. I had zero expectation, expected zero commitment, zero promises from u all. But u guys were the one making promises. Since u initiated and promised, so why can't u keep it? 

OR PLEASE, just never say anything u are not gonna fulfill. It's not necessary. Please don't act like u are a good, kind person putting up with things just because u're just too fking kind, nice and good hearted.

Well. Even u have done these. A 'sorry' could have solved everything easily too. Don't pretend like nothing just happened. Bitch much.

I made a mistake. I couldn't undo it. I just couldn't get over it at this very moment and I just had to emo for the day. So I have decided to reward myself with a little punishment. So here comes the punishment. Bread week for next week. PLEASE never ever do that again.
PLAY AND FEED a hungry person!