Monday, March 11, 2013


Was supposed to think of what I wanna do for this brand new year. It's already March and I still have nothing on mind. Maybe because I have done quite a lots of things I have always wanted to last year. (Which were mostly doable with money.)

For 2013, I really have nothing much on mind except to go through all my exams safely, do my assignments quickly, complete my dissertation finely and graduate my degree nicely. Hahaha! Sounds so simple... =.= But that's pretty much what I should do for this year, to the extend that I even give up on planning trip which I promised to myself. (Well, if I go through my degree safely, France is where I am going. So there is still a trip. Kekeke!) So ya... Basically 2013 is all about the degree, learning to swim, Korean, harmonica and picking up bike riding (as if it's easy). Pick up more good habits instead of sitting infront of the laptop I should.

Be a better person. Be truthful to myself and others. Be hardworking. Be nice. Be confident. Be happy. Be everything good which I never/seldom practice before this. Be environmental friendly. And be happy again.

Oh. Even though, I mentioned that I have nothing much on mind for 2013 (at first) but now err greedy a bit. Something/one came along the way, and so I wish it lasts. Finger crossed. And stop thinking so much. Today my friend just mentioned, I shouldn't just use d'brain at all time, sometimes things get better without d'brain I guess.

And for the title. Recently feel so stupid sometimes. So many first time. Omg. It's like going into the dark without knowing what's inside. Like going into the exam hall without studying, better still, without knowing what subject u are taking. Scary shit... Oh well. Everything has it's first time. I think it's just that I am getting more timid as I grow older.

Met people. Made friends. Crazy people Fun friends. It's so fun I am gonna die. Hahaha! Learn so much from new friends. I miss old friends too. I realised they really care bout me so much. =') Gamdong. Thank you. I will be more expressive next time I see u guys. So that u wont feel that ur concern is wasted. xDD

Peace. ^^

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