Saturday, April 7, 2012

Care No More

Will they think I am mad? Because I just suddenly cried in the bar. They sure think I am a freak... But the fact is some averagely rich ppl just simply don't know how to respect ppl. Just to let u know, u own neither the world nor our dignity. Only ur plain dumb pride.

I am still adapting to my new age. Things really changed or it's just me. As long as ur age >19 yrs old, ppl treat u differently, as an adult. But I still wouldn't accept the adult life. Ppl used to be a lot more nicer when I was in my teen age. Now ppl just don't give a damn. I know why, because they think we are all old enough to think and act rationally. Well, maybe they do but I really got stuck here. Growing up is just plain cruelty, which needs us to walk into the society which apparently is very realistic and lack of human touch...

Hahaha! Fun part of today's working session, 3 new team members who are all only 18 yrs old (exactly what made me think of my age...) are fun ppl. I was at first left out cause I was in the bar and I am only a part timer which means I don't see them often. But we later got closer, went through a short self-introduction session. All so young and lively. Hahahha!

Oh and I find one of the chefs' laughter conspicuous. Hahhaha! Ppl says yawning is contagious. I think laughing sometimes is too. Hahaha! Every time he laughs in the kitchen I will be laughing in the bar too. I must have looked stupid, luckily no one sees.

Adapting... Adapting... Adapting...

Processing... Processing... Processing...


  1. True wealth is not quantified by dollars or pounds.

    True wealth comes with dignity, respect and intelligence. Whoever it is that is of such menial class as to put you down because they think they're more well off, they're just illustrating their own ignorance and causing others' to disregard them as spoiled and disillusioned.

    Fear not. Just hold your chin up high and exude confidence ;)


    1. Hehe! Thank you for ur words! Ya ya! One of my new year resolutions: Gain more confidence, cry less. xD

PLAY AND FEED a hungry person!