Ms Angeline gave me this. She bought when she was on her trip to KK if not mistaken. Even though she give me like few days after she gave to staff over there but still. she gave me Xd Happy sia.
Happy Deepavali~
Sugar addict
Orientation. (Sien pit)
Went shopping alone. Bought Shoes and Clip.
On Deepavali ( but wearing baju kurung XD)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
1st of November 2010
Time past very fast. It’s now November already. Kind of like want the time to slow down. Don’t know why. Hahahahaha~ Woke up at 5.20am today. Sien. When I reach hotel, I realized they serve breakfast start from 7am. =.= Luckily I ate a slice of bread before I go.
At about 7am Aini went down for breakfast and I followed. Milk!!! X/ Desperate. Hahaha~ I don’t know how to do check in check out. As I don’t have an account for that. So I can just ask the guest to wait for a moment to wait them to assist the guest. Well. When people are busy and you’re not helping but giving them more job is like committing suicide. I was like sure die wan, but still have to bother them. Not like I want to. x/ Then Aini taught me how to be good at the front desk. She received many complaints from Kasthuri. And she says she doesn’t like it. Well. Is like she doesn’t want people to scold me. Touched. Cried again. Waseh. Sia sui. Cry at front desk =.= Stupid or not?! Haizzz… Speechless.
I accidentally hit someone’s butt =.= He went and tell Kak Jeya. OMG. When Jeya asks why, I was like 0.0 stunt. I didn’t do it on purpose. He hit me then automatically I will hit him back wan ma. Normal response from a normal person right?! It’s just so ngam. Butt. =.= He went to tell front desk too. They were like shocked that I did that. You know. It’s Ham Sap!!!! >,<
Then after that Ms Angeline asked me to follow him to the florist to pick up the flowers. RM800 for that flower leh. And I was there to take care of that pot of flower at the back of the car. Well. Not easy with that uniform. =.= it so embarrassing!! Sitting at the back with those flowers. Well, not much embarrassing for the flower part XD I thought he was gonna drop it at the staff entrance. But no! He is going to drop it at the main entrance!!! Waseh. No face d. Nvm. Nobody laugh at me. (Yet.)
One rose left on the van. Then driver gave it to me. Hehe~
I was then asked to find bills from finance and take bills from Palm Hill. Well. Finding the bils part was hard. I’m not that patient to stay in an enclosed place to find things. And I missed the PM of Australia because of that. x/
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It looks ugly. Cause I stuffed it into a paper cone. XD |
I was then asked to find bills from finance and take bills from Palm Hill. Well. Finding the bils part was hard. I’m not that patient to stay in an enclosed place to find things. And I missed the PM of Australia because of that. x/
Before I’m going back, the flower part. No. The car part came back. Ms Angeline and Abang Saiful laughed so… happily? They were all laughing because of the scene of me at the back of the car. They claimed that they weren’t laughing at that particular moment because it’s busy. And now when they recall back it was very funny. =.= There were so many people. Those policemen and security people for the PM were there. Not like they care. But still!!! Oh. That big pot of flowers is for the embassy of Australia if I’m not mistaken.
Then I went to Alamanda. I was asked to buy pizza. And I said okay. Which I kinda regret after that. Suk Khee and Suriana were going to. They were going to follow Mark’s car (Suk Khee’s admirer). But they followed me when they know I’m going too. Feel kinda sorry to Mark. But I really tried to push Suk Khee to him. Went back after sending pizza back to hotel. Haizz. Again!! Not able to on Facebook. I’m desperate for it. I cant even log in using phone. Server busy. Meaning? Haizzz. That’s why so free. Typing this.
31st of October 2010
Hmmmm. Typing this on 1st of November. Realized that I can’t really remember everything. Should have type it yesterday. x/
Today, Sunday. Work. Hahaha~ Cause Ms Angeline says Sunday busy then I had my off on Friday. Which was super duper boring. I wonder why she asked me to go on a busy day. And she asked me to stay longer if I would like to. Not like I can help also. :[ Well. When I ask about that, she says that doesn’t matter, she just want me to observe how it works on a busy day and learn from it. Awwww. So nice~ Oh ya! And this morning she offered me breakfast too~!!!!! C= But, as usual. I’m still me. Hungry also I won’t take. ‘Face skin’ too thin. XD
Today when answer phone call, forgot to take down name of the person calling. Kena. Then cried. x/ I really don’t want to. But… as usual. Me being myself. Then lunch. I’m always very hungry. But when I reach the little café and see the food, I don’t feel like eating already. But still have to eat a little bit.
Today is a busy day for the hotel. Because the prime minister of Australia is coming. With her husband. Okay. My general knowledge is poor. As in very very poor. I didn’t know that prime minister of Australia is a woman. X/ My shift for today is 9-5pm. And I decided to stay. Cause go home also nothing to do. As they say PM of Aus will be arriving at 9pm. Well. Aren’t VIPs usually late? So, ya. Tomorrow have to work from 7-3pm so I went home at 9pm. I walked down to the park for my car. Then drive lo. A shuttle of Putrajaya Shangri-La approaching. I was driving very slow cause it was dark . Shuttle highlighted me pula. == I thought important guest in the shuttle. When I turned out to the roundabout, the shuttle driver drove so near to my car. On purpose. P STICKER leh!!!!!! And honk. Then I realized it was hskp team on the shuttle. Haizzz. So sia sui.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
22nd of October, 2010
I was late today. I woke up at 7.15am (supposed to wake up at 6.30). But still earlier than ytd. Yesterday was really late. Woke up at 7.55am for 9-5 shift. >.<'' I went to hotel alone. Haha~ 2nd time. I reached and I climb. Again. Then I saw the other housekeeping friends. 4 of them. Were behind me. But at the end they reach hotel before me. So damn sia sui leh. As usual, ppl look at me like one kind because of my sweat. =.='' I changed into my uniform. Then I went to café for milk. Haizzz. Too late. Milk finished. But after that they refill so I take. Haha~ then work. These few days got nothing much. Today they heard that mystery shopper just left from Traders KL. So they are expecting him/her/them to reach here by today or tomorrow.
I saw Lamborghini and GTR parked outside the hotel!!! I saw people who own the cars. Yeng leh. Although is not young. But very very very very very x1000 yeng leh. They were going for the track. They were smoking outside, with their cars. 2 of them who went into the Lamborghini were so damn yeng. Even though they smoke. 1 looks like Chinese and he looks very familiar. And very very very the cool + yeng. Another is mixed and is from Singapore(Leng zai). Ahahahahaha~ Yeng zai dou pit ar!!!! I was looking looking there see how fast their cars is. But roundabout only. Can see nothing. =|
Then I went for lunch. Yer. Nothing to eat so I ate bread for both breakfast and lunch. Ewwwww. Although I like bread but their bread not nice. >,< And I don't understand why, most of the time when I enter the café(A very small one. Everyone can see you once you go in.) most of them will laugh at me. Not like friend kind of smile but laugh. I don't understand why. But I found it very weird. I thought they weren't laughing at me but after sometimes I think they are laughing at me la. Perasannya. I sat with housekeeping friends. Ahahahaa. Got 1 guy likes Suk Khee o. XD whenever I mention her name, he smiles. Hahaha~ So funny. After that go back lo. My god. I cried. Twice today. I don't know the first time did anyone saw. Hopefully no. 2nd time I cried because the people laughing laughing thing lo. Stupid. Don't know cry for what. Then kak Jeya talked to me. >,<
After that. Stupid. I said 'I don't know' to the guest. I know I'm not supposed to. But I said 'one moment please.' She still keep on asking. Then kena lo. Hahaha~ And they suspect that she is the mystery shopper. Cause she asked all sort of questions. Die la me. Stupid. Then after that when answer phone call don't know who is Jeremy pula. Don't know where to transfer then got call coming in somemore. Ms Angeline, the front office manager helped to answer call. Waseh, sia sui ga. Manager jarang use this operator's phone wan lo. Die die die.
Then hotel's fire drill. So funny la. The bell rang so long and still nobody goes out. Hahaha~ I was like looking at the stupid noisy little bell. They say just ignore it. But at the end we get to know that we all have to leave the hotel. Ahaahah~ To the assembly area which is the park's car park. We walked down to the park using the road that I walk everyday =.= It was fun seeing most of the staff of the hotel there(some are still inside serving guests. ><). Btw whole hotel only got 100++ staff. Max 200. I think. Fun. Over. Back to work. Ahahahaah~
Since got mystery shopper so I’m not advisable to pick up calls. Ahaha~ So free? Go purchasing department and to take things lo. I went there with nothing. Mr.Mahendran, the purchasing manager, says 'Wah. You come like that only ar. How to take things? Go, go and take trolley.' Ahahaah~ I went to the dewan to take the luggage trolley. Then I go and take the things lo. Got trolley also hard to push. Habib, the driver, went to help me. Ahaahahah. Before this I asked him but he refused to. Somebody must have forced him to. XD after that I went for letterhead. Requested 2000 pcs but they gave me 2500 pcs. 5 stacks of it. Waseh heavy sia. I brought it from lvl 1 to lvl 3. With the lift la. But also consider very strong d. it was really very heavy. Hahaha~
After that wanna go home d, I saw Mr. Mahendran and asked him whether he can fetch me to the bus stop or not. But he says he cant promise. Cause he rides scooter to work today. Ahahaha~ Wilson, the service center leader is then heard it. He was going home so he offered me a ride. I don't like him. Not like hate but just simply don't like. I don't know why. Must be his character. Anyways, people offered then I can't push away right XD really lazy to walk down and it was drizzling. And I reached hostel. I bought nasi curry ayam with telur dadar. And I regret that I went hostel so early. I should have lepak at the café. I saw many housekeeping friends were in there. =C Regret!!!!! At hostel nothing to do. Planned to wash clothes but since gonna leave latest on Sunday then I lazy to wash d.
And now I have Malay friends and friends from Vietnam and Nepal. I realized that I don’t have Malay friends before this. Ahaahahah~ They are all nice~ Everyone in the hotel is nice. Just that most of them smoke and we gossip(not much). >,<
Thursday, October 21, 2010
18th of October, 2010
18th of October,2010.
No broadband for today. So, I decided to type in Words first. Went to my aunt’s house on Saturday after work. Suk Khee went home too. I came back to hostel yesterday, she came straight to hotel this morning. Due to the security kacau kacau case and to cross the road, I chose to follow my housemate, As, which is going for 7am shift. Mine is at 9am. I’m already thr at 6am. As adviced me to sleep at the bed over the locker place. It looks quite clean but I’m certain that the bed is dirty (hotel’s staffs do take nap over thr). Well, woke up at 8am and rush to change. I’m slow. And I haven’t make up and have my breakfast. After that WORK~! ^^ Fun~~ I didn’t know time past so fast. I was answering call with ‘good morning’ at 12.40pm. >,<
Then had lunch with Kak Jeya, she taught many trainees on answering phone call and managing the service centre. Mr Christopher said that I look like her niece. He is an Indian. I smiled. Then don’t know why suddenly so gan cheong explain ‘Don’t worry don’t worry. My wife is a Chinese. Her sister’s daughter.’ XD Funny. The soup was nice~ Sweet corn soup with a very thick taste of Oyster~ Yum yum. Then work lo, still having fun. Dato Sri Ng Yen Yen booked meeting room for her meeting. I saw her~ Nice clothing. Not like she is a superstar but still.
Then Mr Makendran sent us to our hostel. Halfway I saw As then I shouted =.= Did I? No ba.. Then after reach, went to grocery to buy bread as dinner. End up buying burger >,< Today so hardworking, diligent, intelligent. Muahahaahahahahah~ I swept the floor of the whole unit (except rooms), mop the floor twice, washed my clothes and fried an egg for my burger. Wahahaahah~ So free. Used dishwashing liquid to mop the floor. So clean leh~ Not sticky d~ Not like the first week, my mum used powder == So hard to clean it. Then dinner. Waseh. I was eating thr, she didn’t even put down her foot first or whatever. Her foot was right infront of my face, mouth and burger sia. Then I went to clean up my bed. What I found? Hair ar!!!!!!!! Not the head punya hair but somewhere else de la(You know? The not good to be mentioned part. ==). Confirm not me! Cause I wear clothes in toilet. Then is hers lo… Why la… How if I accidentally eat it at night?!?!?!!?!? Not only 1 leh but 2!!!! Wakao… Recently all rude words ar… Why? You lo… Blur person. Will shorten my life wan leh. Please oh Please. Oh wait. After had my lunch Kak Jeya says she is rude~! Ahha. I know right. XD Well gonna sleep now. My mum asked me to. Cause I was having fever. I’m like cant even rmb when was the last time I had fever. At least 6 yrs ago. Long time don’t know how it feels when having fever. Suddenly pula fever on Friday. My mum claimed that it’s because she didn’t call on Thursday. Cheh… tasted. No good. No more sick sick thing again. Can die.
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Burger that I put in much effort. ^^ |
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Gathering before Bing and I go for our training. C=
Went to Sunway Pyramid. To gather? As usual la. Go and play around. Haha~ But somehow with a better reason. Hehe~ Went to 'Ru Jia Xiao Chu' (ain't sure of the restaurant's name) Haiseh forgotten to take pic of the food >,< Siao. Then went to Red Box. Don't know why. Today like not as many songs sang as last few times. Haha~ Anyways, Everyone sang happily~ Pei Xin really can make funny voices XD And. Missed ‘大眼睛’. =( Then went to Sasa. Tested the BB cream and Almost all the perfumes >,< ‘向外面射不要向里面’says the Sasa-rian. XD Bing bought some cosmetic products. Luckily. If not that girl don't know will kill me or not. XD Then Baskin Robbins. Haha~ We sat there for like. An hour I think. Doing make up. In public. X[ Bing looks matured after make up~ Nice! C= @@ Was told by Ying that I look like a human only when I'm with make up (and still not, even in light make up. she realised) Well. Make up is not good!! People will not be able to recognise me after I took off the make up. NOOOOOoooooo....... And then they can't stand my hair dy. I guess. So. decided to CUT my hair. After a year. Aiyo... Snips so expensive. My mum is so gonna kill me. *.*
=( Sorry and Thank you to Bing,Ying, Xin and Bangla for the early birthday gift. THANK YOU!!! 谢谢~ I will 报答 you all de. ^^ (Haven't find out the way. >,<) Erm. I don't like to cut my hair. Have to sit still over there for quite some time. San fu. First time experience for the washing hair part. OMG. It was horrible. That guy was like 'what's wrong with this stupid girl?' Very uncomfortable lo. Seriously. I don't get why people go to saloon to wash their hair. So weird. My ears ar.... Touched my ears somemore. No like. =/ Then went to McD. Haha~ And then. Went home lo. After being stucked in the carpark for few minutes(quite some time).
=( I went out without deodorant. Nooooooo.. Stinky Yi Wen.
And I'm still in make up at this moment XD Thick make up.
I wonder what my mum will says. Bout my hair. Er.. I mean scold.
Gonna take the hostel key tomorrow. I wonder how the hostel looks like. ^^
PS: Oh! Oh! And I realised. I was wearing the same T-shirt and shorts in both before and after. 0.0 Wah~!!
=( Sorry and Thank you to Bing,Ying, Xin and Bangla for the early birthday gift. THANK YOU!!! 谢谢~ I will 报答 you all de. ^^ (Haven't find out the way. >,<) Erm. I don't like to cut my hair. Have to sit still over there for quite some time. San fu. First time experience for the washing hair part. OMG. It was horrible. That guy was like 'what's wrong with this stupid girl?' Very uncomfortable lo. Seriously. I don't get why people go to saloon to wash their hair. So weird. My ears ar.... Touched my ears somemore. No like. =/ Then went to McD. Haha~ And then. Went home lo. After being stucked in the carpark for few minutes(quite some time).
Bangla. *Peace* |
Bing and Xin |
Breakfast? Got no chance to have it. XD |
Xin and Ying |
Bangla *Peace agn. Without looking at the camera* And Bing *Burger advertisement? I'll buy =P * |
Happy dinner~ |
Bing and Me *with the new messy hairstyle* Before cutting my hair (May) New hair style. (Oct) |
And I'm still in make up at this moment XD Thick make up.
I wonder what my mum will says. Bout my hair. Er.. I mean scold.
Gonna take the hostel key tomorrow. I wonder how the hostel looks like. ^^
PS: Oh! Oh! And I realised. I was wearing the same T-shirt and shorts in both before and after. 0.0 Wah~!!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
After about 9 months, here comes Internship. Well. Final Year Exam first before internship. The last paper was this morning. Erm. I wish that I won't fail.
Yea. Internship. I took quite some time to look at the list on portal during my term 2 holiday. I was first thought of Pangkor Laut Resort for my 1st internship. I couldn't find that resort on the list. I was too late and it's already full, I guess. One of my friends applied for it. And he went all the way to Pangkor for the interview but he didn't get it. If I get to apply to this resort, I won't be able to go for the interview. So ya. No regret. XD
After that I pick Cameron Highlands Resort. I was looking forward to it. But that hotel never reply my application. >=( I called many times but didn't get to speak to the HR manager. Failure. But I'm still keeping this in mind. I really want to go there. =( I want to know why didn't they reply.
Since there is no reply from CHR, I applied for Putrajaya Shang-ri La. Interviewed on 18th of Sept. I brought all my certs but they didn't ask me to show them. Good. I kinda don't understand why do we need those highschool's certs for interview. Well, that lady who interviewed me and another course mate was nice. I did the interview badly.
On 21st of Sept, the below came out
See~ Confirm~ But I'm still shortlisted for the first one. It's not unsuccessful. Yet. I really still want to go Cameron Highlands Resort. Not because of the hotel since I've never been there. Just simply wanna stay further. And I think staying at Cameron will be fun. Strawberries. The weather. And Flowers. I like Cameron more than Genting. Which ppl find weird. I like kampung kampung places more than a city. But not for staying.
Going to Putrajaya Shang-ri La next Saturday. I'm gonna stay at the hostel since I can't really drive. Started to worry after exam. I wonder how the hostel looks like. Am I staying alone? Eating alone? I bet there won't be any water heater. Haizz. Shower using cold water is horrible. I wish everything goes well in these 3 months. ^^ Good Luck to me! And everyone who will be going for internship. C=
Yea. Internship. I took quite some time to look at the list on portal during my term 2 holiday. I was first thought of Pangkor Laut Resort for my 1st internship. I couldn't find that resort on the list. I was too late and it's already full, I guess. One of my friends applied for it. And he went all the way to Pangkor for the interview but he didn't get it. If I get to apply to this resort, I won't be able to go for the interview. So ya. No regret. XD
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Pangkor Laut Resort |
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Cameron Highlands Resort |
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Putrajaya Shang-ri La |
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Confirm~ |
Going to Putrajaya Shang-ri La next Saturday. I'm gonna stay at the hostel since I can't really drive. Started to worry after exam. I wonder how the hostel looks like. Am I staying alone? Eating alone? I bet there won't be any water heater. Haizz. Shower using cold water is horrible. I wish everything goes well in these 3 months. ^^ Good Luck to me! And everyone who will be going for internship. C=
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Last. Service. Class.
Today is the last service class. I don't really feel the 'last feel' in it though. I'm always very gan jiong on service class weeks. But during the serving process, I'm not really that nervous. I think that's because I don't care much about it. Generally I dont care much bout anything. Never.
I was doing the napkin part for Mise-en place, which means preparation before service. And ya. I can't remember how to fold. Not even a single thing. So I asked for help from Michelle! ^^ And I'm gonna serve 8 pax with my group mate, David. The table setting was like 0.0 cause I don't know how to set 3 pax on a 2 tables. (Not using my wits.) Then.. skip skip...
Serving time. I said the F word. For like twice. Influenced by friends. >,< I did many mistakes but can't remember all. Just a very HORRIBLE one. Set the forks and knives wrongly. I changed the positions of them at every turning. Wonder how I did that. And after service class, drank a cup of milk and ate chicken confit. Yum~ Half way eating, hotel called. (Next post! As I have no clue how to talk bout that before this.) Asking for typhoid and stool test things. I didn't know I have to do stool test. ( Ewww.. How? Scoop it as though it's ice cream?) Halfway speaking phone died. I didn't know it was in a very Low battery condition. So ya.. borrowed Wei Mae's phone but don't have the record of it. Great huh.. Wei Mae looks very sad. As what I saw, since the restaurant was opened. She was standing opposite me. As usual I don't know how to comfort ppl so I don't ask much. I always think that ppl will tell if they want to. Not like I'm one of the "ppl". Friends rarely tell me things since primary (When ppl start to have "Things"/Secrets.) Because of my character I guess. XD
Then briefing. (Since when briefing became a so sensational and emotional thing.) I hope ppl understand that I don't cry because I want to / have to / like to / need to. I just couldn't control.. The glands got problems I think. >,< I know many ppl hate ppl who always cry. But I don't cry just to cry. It's just some water flowing out from nowhere. I wanted to say something when lecturer asked me to!!! But something blocked me from doing it. Yo.. I regret!! I want to say it out. I could have write it down and ask someone to read it out. Will anyone help me? Well. Past.
And then before going back home by KTM. Christa lend me her battery~ Wah! So ngam size and she is so nice~ Tomorrow will be going to coll at 7 for 5pm test. Haha~ 'Fun!' Wish to have Subway for breakfast tmr. >,<
I was doing the napkin part for Mise-en place, which means preparation before service. And ya. I can't remember how to fold. Not even a single thing. So I asked for help from Michelle! ^^ And I'm gonna serve 8 pax with my group mate, David. The table setting was like 0.0 cause I don't know how to set 3 pax on a 2 tables. (Not using my wits.) Then.. skip skip...
Serving time. I said the F word. For like twice. Influenced by friends. >,< I did many mistakes but can't remember all. Just a very HORRIBLE one. Set the forks and knives wrongly. I changed the positions of them at every turning. Wonder how I did that. And after service class, drank a cup of milk and ate chicken confit. Yum~ Half way eating, hotel called. (Next post! As I have no clue how to talk bout that before this.) Asking for typhoid and stool test things. I didn't know I have to do stool test. ( Ewww.. How? Scoop it as though it's ice cream?) Halfway speaking phone died. I didn't know it was in a very Low battery condition. So ya.. borrowed Wei Mae's phone but don't have the record of it. Great huh.. Wei Mae looks very sad. As what I saw, since the restaurant was opened. She was standing opposite me. As usual I don't know how to comfort ppl so I don't ask much. I always think that ppl will tell if they want to. Not like I'm one of the "ppl". Friends rarely tell me things since primary (When ppl start to have "Things"/Secrets.) Because of my character I guess. XD
Then briefing. (Since when briefing became a so sensational and emotional thing.) I hope ppl understand that I don't cry because I want to / have to / like to / need to. I just couldn't control.. The glands got problems I think. >,< I know many ppl hate ppl who always cry. But I don't cry just to cry. It's just some water flowing out from nowhere. I wanted to say something when lecturer asked me to!!! But something blocked me from doing it. Yo.. I regret!! I want to say it out. I could have write it down and ask someone to read it out. Will anyone help me? Well. Past.
And then before going back home by KTM. Christa lend me her battery~ Wah! So ngam size and she is so nice~ Tomorrow will be going to coll at 7 for 5pm test. Haha~ 'Fun!' Wish to have Subway for breakfast tmr. >,<
Monday, September 20, 2010
Hmmm.. Somehow I regret to post out my blog url. When typing also have to be very careful. Is like got ppl watching. But that's the whole point of blogging right? Ish ish ish.. Perasannye budak ni. Nvm. I took it out. So now it's safe! And I'm talking to you now. You stupid blog...
Haiyo. Sometimes I really don't feel like doing what you asked me to do wan lo. Not because I don't want to but the fact of when I was looking for you, you don't even give a shit. And I will always make up a excuse/reason for it to myself. Maybe this... Maybe that... and Maybe maybe maybe... (But really, I know there are some reasons like out of credit or very very very busy. Good one.) Then after feeling like shit, I want to complete/accomplish/fulfill what you asked me to do. But that day I tried hard and I had a chance to but I didn't. Very selfish huh. And I didn't feel very very bad for that. After 1 week and 6 days which is last Saturday you replied. I thought you texted me to screw me up. But you didn't, you showed >< instead of scolding me. Hmmm. What a surprise. Sometimes I wonder is that you who are texting me.
Well. I really hope that our friendship can remain as what it was during junior highschool days. Anyway. Still. I believe we're gonna be friends forever!
Friendship Forever!!! (Link)
Wow~ Friendship Forever!!!!
Friendship Forever, Friends!!
Haiyo. Sometimes I really don't feel like doing what you asked me to do wan lo. Not because I don't want to but the fact of when I was looking for you, you don't even give a shit. And I will always make up a excuse/reason for it to myself. Maybe this... Maybe that... and Maybe maybe maybe... (But really, I know there are some reasons like out of credit or very very very busy. Good one.) Then after feeling like shit, I want to complete/accomplish/fulfill what you asked me to do. But that day I tried hard and I had a chance to but I didn't. Very selfish huh. And I didn't feel very very bad for that. After 1 week and 6 days which is last Saturday you replied. I thought you texted me to screw me up. But you didn't, you showed >< instead of scolding me. Hmmm. What a surprise. Sometimes I wonder is that you who are texting me.
Well. I really hope that our friendship can remain as what it was during junior highschool days. Anyway. Still. I believe we're gonna be friends forever!
Friendship Forever!!! (Link)
Wow~ Friendship Forever!!!!
Friendship Forever, Friends!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Big Foot Coming Through~!
Big Foot and family went to Sunway Pyramid today. We were supposed to go SS2 after that but my father decided not to since my brother wasn't there (He himself,my brother didn't bother to go. Hmmph..)
At Pyramid. Took pics at the concourse.
Target: 0
Objective/Aim/Goal: No.
Mum says, buy shoes. (Cause all my shoes are not in their shapes anymore. The silver ones, brown, orange, red.. so ya...)
Wanted to go in to Kitschen but mum showed 'Not happy' face. So, byebye Kitschen.
I HATE to buy shoes.
No, I LIKE to buy shoes.
Haizz. It's all about those huge feet. Always no size.. Today I was telling a girl to get me size 40 (Ya. FORTY. Huge right...Sometimes 41.) That girl was like 'HAR?!?!' I softly answered her 'Ya. 40.' Is she shocked of that or it's just me? Well maybe it's just me. Sensitive... Haha~
I saw another pair of shoes which i like. And most important!! My feet can fit in!! (without asking them to bring me 'the largest size please') Cause it was the last pair size 41. Yet i didn't get to buy it. When i was looking around in that shop, a girl bought it. =( *sob* It was a pair of blue shoes with ruffle and a wooden teddy bear on top.
That girl was trying on it. I saw! It was like 1 cm bigger than her feet. But why did she buy it? Haizz... Then i saw the same one in another shop. Was so Happy. But size 40, couldnt fit into it.. "Ada besar lagi?" "Tak ada. Ini yang terbesar." BYE. Bear.
And and and I bought a blush! Whee! But didn't buy a brush. Cause I dont knw which one is for blusher. Or they are all the same? Hmm. I wonder.
Haha~ Big sampan coming through~!
Hmmm.. White and heeled. I wonder how long will they last. XD
My feet. Huge. So what? Do I look like I care? -Quoted from Car Yi
Is lucky enough to have legs!! Along with feet, especially.
Advantage of having huge feet
-Won't fall down easily!!
At Pyramid. Took pics at the concourse.
My little sister~ The first one: Bye *sob* |
Sisters |
Pretzel dog in mouth. *bloated* |
Target: 0
Objective/Aim/Goal: No.
Mum says, buy shoes. (Cause all my shoes are not in their shapes anymore. The silver ones, brown, orange, red.. so ya...)
Wanted to go in to Kitschen but mum showed 'Not happy' face. So, byebye Kitschen.
I HATE to buy shoes.
No, I LIKE to buy shoes.
Haizz. It's all about those huge feet. Always no size.. Today I was telling a girl to get me size 40 (Ya. FORTY. Huge right...Sometimes 41.) That girl was like 'HAR?!?!' I softly answered her 'Ya. 40.' Is she shocked of that or it's just me? Well maybe it's just me. Sensitive... Haha~
I saw another pair of shoes which i like. And most important!! My feet can fit in!! (without asking them to bring me 'the largest size please') Cause it was the last pair size 41. Yet i didn't get to buy it. When i was looking around in that shop, a girl bought it. =( *sob* It was a pair of blue shoes with ruffle and a wooden teddy bear on top.
![]() |
Cute hor? XD |
I went in all the shops selling shoes (With affordable price) in Pyramid, I think. But still havent buy a pair. Then at last found a pair in parkson. Was thinking to take blakc or white. Asked the staff thr to bring me both colour in size 40. Luckily he says black 40 no more. Fated. So I bought the white ones. Although I dont really really really like it. but okay la. Haha~ Better than hv no presentable shoes at all.
And and and I bought a blush! Whee! But didn't buy a brush. Cause I dont knw which one is for blusher. Or they are all the same? Hmm. I wonder.
Oh ya.
Haha~ Big sampan coming through~!
From this view, they look larger/longer right? XD |
Hmmm.. White and heeled. I wonder how long will they last. XD
My feet. Huge. So what? Do I look like I care? -Quoted from Car Yi
Is lucky enough to have legs!! Along with feet, especially.
Advantage of having huge feet
-Won't fall down easily!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Prepare for Mid Autumn!!!
Mid Autumn Festival!! Things that signifying the arrival of Mid Autumn Festival : Lanterns, Chinese Water Chestnut and MOON CAKES~
The process of making Moon Cakes~
-The date and time shown on those pics are wrong. It's supposed to be 14/9/2010 between 9pm to 11pm.
-Some pics are blur because I don't knw how to use cameras. >,<
Well, ever since the day my mum learned how to do moon cakes, she does it every year to give to friends and relatives and of course for us. Jelly moon cakes, Crystal skin moon cakes and the normal kind of moon cakes.. Jelly and Crystal skin moon cakes are done before I have even started blogging.
The process of making Moon Cakes~
While my mum was preparing the dough for the moon cake skin and the pastes, I was cleaning those salted eggs.
It was covered with black sand. *I think it's sand* |
And then I rubbed it off. |
Clean eggs~ |
Yolks. |
Back to my mum's.
Pastes with KuaCi. (Red Bean, Green Tea, Lotus, White Lotus) |
Dough for the moon cake skin. |
Clearing the mess. |
Mold~ |
After first bake. |
Brushed with egg. | <><>>
2nd brush of egg. |
Tadaa~ |
-The date and time shown on those pics are wrong. It's supposed to be 14/9/2010 between 9pm to 11pm.
-Some pics are blur because I don't knw how to use cameras. >,<
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